Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Internet Activity 1 Marcelo Luz 0402362

Blog 1:
The first blog i read was titled " World of Warcraft Film Lands Saving Private Ryan", it was about an upcomming film bases on the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) World of Warcraft by blizzard entertainment. There has been much debate weather the movie would be based on the book based on the game, or just straight based on the game. According to Sam Raimi's blog though the debate has been answered and it will be based solely on the game, the director does not know though weather the movie will follow the story of an already existing and famous fictitious character or make a completely new story surrounding a new character. The blog ends with a statement leading readers to believe that the story will be about a new character and the old ones will just be there to support the new character in the blizzard created warcraft world.

Blog 2:
The second blog I read was about martial arts, korean martial arts to be more precise. It explains how hapkido, tae kwon do, and tang soo do were all based on the same martial arts called Taekkyon. Kim joo-hyung is a taekkyon master who wants to bring the art back, it was banned from korea arround the 9th century when the japanese invaded korea. He plans to bring it back by writting a book, the book is written in english so more people can understand and doesnt just teach basics of the art but also the history behind it.

Blog 3:
The third blog i read was about the blackberry smartphone, this is something interesting to me personally as well because i own the blackberry pearl. The post is speaking about the new diccionary app. the application was made first for the I-phone but due to its increadible popularity a new blackberry version was made. The application includes arround 500,000 words to lookup as well as it reads them out. One of the key differences for the blackberry and i-phone app is that the blackberry one lets the user see definitions while they are writting emails.

I have used facebook for years, before that was myspace, and before that was orkut. They have always been about the same but now with the new twitter everything changes, twitter is not like facebook, but its not like blogging either, its inbetween. In twitter users can folow others which means that they will see everything the user does but the user does not see what they do. In twitter users can also follow famous people such as Angelina Jolie or other actors/actresses. Also on the right side of your homepage is a list of topics that people are talking about, but they only post about 100-150 words which is not much at all.

Unlike twitter blogging allows users to write as much as they want about a given subject, all they do is just name the title what the blog is about. Users can write their opinions to their hearts content about anything, but the problem is that anyone can write about anything. There is no way of knowing weather the information is true or not, there is novalidity behind what the people are saying. There are even some blogs written by tv show "characters", such as Dwight Shrewt, from the office, has a blog which he writes on, even though hes a ficticious character.

Blogging has already changed the world and more is to come, as more and more people read blogs there will be more and more people with different opinions, with blogs everyone can know easily whats going on arround the world with one click.

Twitter vs. Blogging
There are many instances when blogging is prefered then twitter and vice versa. If the user wishes to write his opinion about a subject then definately blogging is better because the people who will read it are interested in that subject, also the user can write as much as he wants about any given subject. Twitter is more of a social thing where users can also talk about any subject they wish, but for twitter its more like a conversation, it isnt one person who writes a page about a subject, its hundreds of users each giving theyr opinions about the given subject.

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